Gerbera Bouquet
Gerbera Bouquet
Fresh Gerbera bouquets grown right on site!
Looking for that special something? The vibrant gerbera daisy is one of the world’s most popular flowers. It conveys a clear message of innocence, joy and merriment! As one of the most eye-catching flowers, gerberas enliven any interior, from the classic and cozy to the modern and chic. Perhaps you wish to comfort a friend or loved one. A gerbera’s exuberant character is the perfect way to illuminate even the dreariest of days.
Care to maximize lifetime:
- Ensure the vase has been properly cleaned.
- Stems will rot if the water level is too high. Gerberas only require an inch or two of water in the bottom of the vase.
- Replace the water at the first sign of discolouration.
- Stems should be cut diagonally. If the lower portion of the gerbera stem becomes too soft, it should be recut in order to improve water uptake
- Always use cut flower food for mixed bouquets.
The gerberas were exactly as pictured on your website. Included fresh greens and stem covers as well. Excellent delivery service and the flowers lasted 7-10 days.
Lovely bouquet. Vibrant colors. Lasted 10 days.
Lasted about 10 days. Good value!
Terrific bouquet!
Beautiful colours and it came with supports for the stems. I'm very impressed with how long they lasted and the value for the money! Definitely would purchase again.